Customer Innovations

Our customers often use their Autopuller in ways that we hadn't thought of. Thank you to all our customers who have shared their innovative adaptions with us!  If you have an innovation that has increased the value of your Autopuller to you, please email us, and let us know.

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Attached you will find pictures of a custom made shell pouch made by Donny Weaver of Weather Leathercraft (704-202-2059).

The problem was the clip on the Autopuller transmitter is very tight, and when we tried to fit it over the top of the pouch, it was too tight and it appeared the clip could be broken.

Donny was able to mount a brass mounting bracket to the pouch, and the transmitter clips on and off very easily, with no fear of the clip breaking.  When wearing the pouch, the transmitter is properly positioned to see and press the High and Low arming buttons easily. The cord from the microphone easily reaches to the shooters shirt collar.

D. McRee

Richmond, VA


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I mounted an 18 inch piece of PVC along the side that has the ON/OFF and attached the mic on the end. It was pretty sensitive to other noises, I shoot Skeet at Buckley A.F.B. (lot's of air traffic), so I cut several slits in one side and slid the mic inside. We use it as a Squad and it has been working GREAT, no cords to mess with and NO BAD PULLS.
B. Harris Golden, CO

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At our club we have the receivers permanently mounted in the houses, and we keep the controllers available for our members by leaving them in the mailboxes that we mounted by station one on each field.

R. Falcone

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If you are shooting and all of a sudden the launches are not happening or the launch is delayed, it is probably the loudness of your voice.

I use my Clay Delay volume switch on high, with the microphone on the breast pocket of my shirt. Sometimes when I call pull I get a delayed launch. If I call pull again a little louder, I usually get a launch.  My solution was to mount the microphone on my shirt collar and I get launches immediately.
Another thing I do is to use a clothes pin when mounting the receiver on the skeet field power pole. Just twist the cord tight and put the clothes pin on the cord to hold it tight. This keeps the antenna up and the air so it always receives the transmitter signal.

I lost an antenna last June, and the Clay Delay folks were kind enough to send me another immediately.  When it arrived, I tied a piece of fluorescent pink survey take around the antenna. Then I promptly threw in into the heaviest grass I could find. While the antenna itself was buried in the grass, I immediately saw it because of the pink tape.  I have since added a 4" strip of this pink tape inside the battery compartment of both the transmitter and receiver. Again, I do the drop test in heavy grass and always see the pink tape immediately. I don't think I could ever lose these parts because of the visibility of the pink tape.
This is a GREAT product!!
D. McRee
Richmond, VA
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I didn't want to hook up the Autopuller Receiver to the skeet field every time I practiced, so I decided to permanently mount the receiver inside the low house and put your high powered antenna on the top of the low house.  I also have external power available on my receiver, so out came the battery and I put some Velcro on the back of the unit and "pasted" the receiver to the side wall.  I wired the release cable in parallel with the release cord plug so the field can be operated with the conventional cord or wireless with the Autopuller.  I am happy to say that it all works great!  When I open up the field for personal practice, I simply turn the receiver on and use my wireless transmitter to release the birds.

I put the antenna on the end of a 3/4" pvc pipe and painted the pipe the same color as the house.  It is hardly noticeable and the antenna receives well from anywhere on the field.

T. Cudia

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My Autopuller works flawlessly and certainly makes life easier.  I am very glad I bought it.

M. Durhan, Silver Springs, FLA