
Welcome to our newest Olympian - Aislin Jones of Australia

"The two Autopuller units you sent me have worked flawlessly. The model API/I has allowed me to train on various ranges with different backgrounds that are not set up for random delay. This has given me a huge advantage that I haven't had before because I was limited to only one shooting facility.
The model WAPS-4i (WS3i)has worked incredible well. In all the years that I've competed and practiced I always had to have a puller or shot on a range that had a computerized speaker system. This has given me so much more freedom and practice on many more ranges because I don't need someone to pull for me. I can't say enough, that the ability to practice on different ranges with different background is such a competitive advantage in my training. ~ KIM RHODE (5 Time Olympic Medalist)
I'm a huge fan of your Autopuller. I have a really tight schedule and when I wanted to shoot, I used to have to depend on other people to shoot with and it wasn't always ideal or convenient. I thought of making a foot activated puller until I found Clay Delay. Being able to practice American and International Skeet on my own schedule definitely contributed to my versatility as a shooter and ultimately, my participation on History Channel's Top Shot Season 2. Check out my audition video on YouTube and you'll see a wire attached to my hip when I shoot skeet - That's Clay Delay's Autopuller! ~ Jay Lim
Practicing International Skeet station 4 on a really windy day with my Clay Delay Voice Activated Autopuller. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jay-Lim-Top-Shot-Season-2/175893672422632
It's great to be able to go to the skeet range and not have to worry about having someone to pull for me. the instructions are very clear and concise. You have one very happy customer here in Del City, OK. ~ GS from Del City, OK
Got my unit a week ago and had no problems hooking it up. Great device. Thanks! I may have to get a job to pay for all the additional clays, ammo and reloading supplies. Thanks again. ~ TS from Gunnison, CO
I received my wireless Autopuller and was eager to try it out. Yesterday I did and all I have to say is WOW! I thought I'd let you know how pleased I am with the unit. It was a class act to include the batteries, extra fuses and TWO cords. I also found the case very attractive and functional. Total FREEDOM. No longer do I have to travel 25 miles to the gun club just to find out there was nobody to shoot with. I am delighted. I shoot at Pol County Gun Club (North Caroline) and at the Spartanburg Gun Club (South Carolina). If you get inquiries from shooters at any of these clubs, feel free to give me as a reference for your product. ~ MM from Spartanburg, SC.
Just wanted to let you know that after almost 3 years of use, my Clay Delay (with all the different kinds of releases) is still going strong. I use it for ATA trap, NSSA skeet and Intl Skeet. It has been with a doubt, THE MOST USEFUL shooting accessory I have ever purchased. I'd be glad to serve as a reference. You make a functional, reliable product for a fair price -- a rarity in today's business market. ~ JM
I received my auto puller basic for skeet today and I took it to the skeet field. Now, I haven't ran a straight in about a month. The second round I shot with it I ran a straight! Your product is the bomb! The people I showed it to really took an interest in it. I am extremely satisfied with the auto puller. ~ BJ
I received my Autopuller on Thursday and was able to get out to the club to set it up and do some shooting on Saturday. It is everything I hoped it would be. For the past couple of years I have fallen just short of my goals in my competitive trap shooting and I know the reason is lack of practice. Since the Autopuller will allow me to run out and shoot by myself whenever I have a little spare time, I am confident that it will let me get in the practice I need to get over the hump and achieve my goals this year. ~ TP Fairbury, Illinois
Words cannot express my feelings in the manner in which you treat and respect your customers. You can be assured that I will continue to recommend and demonstrate your products. THANK YOU . ~ LW
Not only is your product met my expectations, it has far exceeded my expectations. I have recommended your product to all the people that I shoot with that have their own target throwers. I have not had any equipment problem with the auto puller. ~ JB,
You and your company have a great product and are excellent to work with! ~ JB
I love it… I cannot say enough about it. It works so very good, I love the routines, I love that it works like it is supposed to, that it does what it is supposed to do, that to manipulate the machine (e.g. change the routines, signal length, etc) that it is so very easy, it’s not complicated at all.I love my machine…thank you so much for your time, help and delivering a quality product that does what you said that I would. ~ Josh Lemmon,